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The Woodlands Marathon

Saturday, February 28th, 2026 The Woodlands, TX 77380 US Directions



Water stops will be at mile 1, 3 & 4
Medical Stations will be located around each water stop

Course Description Turn by Turn 
Click Here For Course Map

Start Line: Lake Robbins Drive (Eastbound Lane)
-Proceed to Grogan's Mill and turn left in the inside lane (using the lane closest to the median)
-Proceed to North Millpond and u-turn at the intersection to the SB lane (using the lane closest to the median)
-Proceed to Woodlands Parkway at westbound on ramp turn left (using the lane closest to shoulder)
-Proceed to E. Panther Creek turn right in the outside NB lane.
-Proceed to Lake Woodlands turn right in the EB lane (this will be the lane for marathoners)
NOTE: runners must move over to the inside lane with half marathoners without disrupting the run flow) 
-Proceed east and turn right on Grogan’s Mill
-Proceed south and turn left on Lake Robbins
-Proceed east and turn right on Waterway Ave
-Proceed south and turn right on Waterway Sq
-Proceed west and take a quick left onto Waterway Trolley Path
-Proceed west and head to finish line behind Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion

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