- Water stops will be stationed every 1.5 miles start approximately mile 2
- Last water stop will be at Mile 11
- Medical Stations will be located around each water stop
Course Description Turn By Turn
- Start on Lake Robbins Drive in the Westbound lane in front of Town Green Park
- Proceed west and turn right on Grogan’s Mill
- Proceed north and turn left on Research Forest Drive
- Proceed west and turn left on Kuykendahl Road
- Proceed south and turn left on Lake Woodlands Drive
- Proceed east and turn right on Grogan’s Mill
- Proceed south and turn left on Lake Robbins
- Proceed east and turn right on Waterway Ave
- Proceed south and turn right on Waterway Sq
- Proceed west and take a quick left onto Waterway Trolley Path
- Proceed west and head to finish line behind Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion